@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

November 23, 2009 at 1:10am
A man in a black hat explains an elaborate prank involving crime and breakthrough mechanical inventions that he has been playing on the president of the Skeptic’s Society - a group dedicated to fighting superstitious and irrational beliefs. In this prank he breaks into the man’s house and rearranges things using “silent tools,” as well as making ghostly noises and even knocks him out. All of this is done, of course, to cause the skeptic to question his beliefs and ultimately upset him.
That’s right, it’s like that one scene from a thousand movies except this time there are silent tools. Read this comic again, then say aloud “this is one of the web’s most popular comics.”

A man in a black hat explains an elaborate prank involving crime and breakthrough mechanical inventions that he has been playing on the president of the Skeptic’s Society - a group dedicated to fighting superstitious and irrational beliefs. In this prank he breaks into the man’s house and rearranges things using “silent tools,” as well as making ghostly noises and even knocks him out. All of this is done, of course, to cause the skeptic to question his beliefs and ultimately upset him.

That’s right, it’s like that one scene from a thousand movies except this time there are silent tools. Read this comic again, then say aloud “this is one of the web’s most popular comics.”


  1. immlass reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    my “that’s not funny” heretical reactions to certain xkcd strips...shared by others.
  2. xkcdexplainedexplained reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    explanation is incredulous about...justified in his incredulity, he fails
  3. carolinemartin reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    Okay so maybe this xkcd isn’t...blog post temporarily tricked me
  4. un reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  5. jaggedfragments reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    comics and YOU ARE JEALOUS.
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