Commands for FSGOF.EXE input files. For details on the goodness-of-fit tests used, see Eliason, Scott R. and Robin Stryker. 2009. Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Descriptive Measures in Fuzzy-Set Analysis. Sociological Methods & Research, 38:102-146. Please send any questions to To run FSGOF, copy fsgof.exe to any directory. Open a command prompt, change to that directory and type at the prompt: fsgof where is the name of a text file with FSGOF commands given below. Output will be directed to the specified filename in the OUTPUT command. FSGOF COMMANDS ************** OUTPUT Specify an output filename in . MERROR Specify the constant value of the measurement error on the z-transformed fuzzy-set scores. The default is .05. DAMP Specify the damping factor for the z-transformed fuzzy-set scores. The damping factor d is such that if a fuzzy-set score is less than d or greater than 1-d, the z transformation for that score is set to cdfinv(d) or cdfinv(1-d), where cdfinv is the inverse of the standard unit normal cumulative distribution function. This ensures the analysis is not influenced by z transformations approaching +/- infinity. The default value is .01. WEIGHT Input column weights. This can be used to exclude specific cases from the analysis. FINISH Place at end of the input file. COMMENT Specify any comment in with maximum length of 80 characters on the line. DATA Specify the number of cases (rows) and the number of factors (columns-1) for the analysis, immediately followed by the data. The first column is the outcome of interest and the remaining columns are the factors, not to exceed 10 factors. See the example input code.