@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

April 9, 2010 at 2:18am
The Author has created another hypothetical situation in an attempt to derive humor from an impractical situation based off of a cliché. In this case, the cliché is the common misuse of the word “literally,” and the impractical situation is a man waiting 18 years to retaliate against being embarrassed over this cliché.
Other things you may be able to derive humor from in this strip:
The crazy man’s hair and beard are very long and unruly.
In the last panel, the crazy man believes that the non-crazy man has once again misused the term “literally.” But, as it turns out, he actually meant that the crazy man was the craziest person he had met.
The whole situation is pretty “wacky.”

The Author has created another hypothetical situation in an attempt to derive humor from an impractical situation based off of a cliché. In this case, the cliché is the common misuse of the word “literally,” and the impractical situation is a man waiting 18 years to retaliate against being embarrassed over this cliché.

Other things you may be able to derive humor from in this strip:

  1. The crazy man’s hair and beard are very long and unruly.
  2. In the last panel, the crazy man believes that the non-crazy man has once again misused the term “literally.” But, as it turns out, he actually meant that the crazy man was the craziest person he had met.
  3. The whole situation is pretty “wacky.”


  1. aequinoctium reblogged this from imaginationforgrownups and added:
    “Literally” is...most misused word. Ever.
  2. numerous-as reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  3. atomsandspace reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  4. velvetlines reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  5. imaginationforgrownups reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    literally. See also: Literally, A Web Blog
  6. brittablossomed reblogged this from xkcdexplained
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