@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

June 4, 2010 at 1:16pm
Kidney theft is an urban legend wherein an unwitting traveler has his or her kidney harvested for transplant without permission. A story about a traveler waking up in a bathtub full of ice with a hastily stitched up side and a note saying “go to the hospital” made the rounds via email in the late 90’s.

Your curators have written about the author’s fascination with the trappings of science before. Not content with just a veneer of science, the author is fusing his fascinations on science with his fantasies about harvesting organs from unwilling patients. His fantasies are clearly evolving, and it won’t be long now until he must act them out.

Statistically speaking, most serial killers are white males in their twenties or thirties who target strangers near their homes or places of work. Childhood developmental characteristics of serial killers most frequently include day dreaming, compulsive masturbation, and isolation. The isolation of a serial killer often leads to feelings of inadequacy, often in relation to the opposite sex. In other words, the archetypal male protagonist of most xkcd comics.

Kidney theft is an urban legend wherein an unwitting traveler has his or her kidney harvested for transplant without permission. A story about a traveler waking up in a bathtub full of ice with a hastily stitched up side and a note saying “go to the hospital” made the rounds via email in the late 90’s.

Your curators have written about the author’s fascination with the trappings of science before. Not content with just a veneer of science, the author is fusing his fascinations on science with his fantasies about harvesting organs from unwilling patients. His fantasies are clearly evolving, and it won’t be long now until he must act them out.

Statistically speaking, most serial killers are white males in their twenties or thirties who target strangers near their homes or places of work. Childhood developmental characteristics of serial killers most frequently include day dreaming, compulsive masturbation, and isolation. The isolation of a serial killer often leads to feelings of inadequacy, often in relation to the opposite sex. In other words, the archetypal male protagonist of most xkcd comics.


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    true, because if XKCD guy were...killer, I would be inexplicably attracted
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