@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

June 9, 2010 at 11:41pm
In this comic, a father and son have a comedically awkward conversation about pornography. An older father fears that his son will be exposed to pornographic material when an errant issue of the Swimsuit Edition falls into the child’s hands. But a casual comment about hardcore sexual acts suggests that the son’s internet habit has exposed him to an unexpected degree of pornography.

The Author is making a joke about how there is pornography on the internet.

In this comic, a father and son have a comedically awkward conversation about pornography. An older father fears that his son will be exposed to pornographic material when an errant issue of the Swimsuit Edition falls into the child’s hands. But a casual comment about hardcore sexual acts suggests that the son’s internet habit has exposed him to an unexpected degree of pornography.

The Author is making a joke about how there is pornography on the internet.


  1. xkcdexplainedexplained reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    Internet? (See how I capitalized “Internet”? That’s because it’s supposed to be capitalized. GRAMMAR ISN’T THAT HARD!)
  2. erikstrattonfanbase reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  3. tannmansan reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  4. twelvefootmountaintroll reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    pornography on the internet pornography on the internet pornography on the internet pornography on the internet
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