@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

March 8, 2010 at 1:36pm
Unlike many of the Author’s works which rely upon homographic puns, today’s work relies on a visual pun. Both the seismograph (used for measuring earthquakes) and a polygraph (used for measuring a variety of body reactions) are popularly depicted using the same classical “needles dragging on paper” mechanism to form a line chart.¹

The author uses this visual similarity—backed by his mainstay, the chart—to convey the juxtaposition of a polygraph as a way to detect earthquakes. A male in a position of power dominates another male connected to an outrageously large and curiously upright polygraph in an attempt to discern if “there is an earthquake happening?!” 

A clever Reader might spend more time considering this comic and ask, “Why would the man sitting be a better authority than the man standing on this subject? Presumably both would feel an earthquake?” Your Curator advises you against considering this question any more deeply; there is simply no redeeming value—humorous or otherwise—to that line of questioning.

¹ Television and movies depict these devices as mechanically based, but modern systems are unsurprisingly wholly computerized.

Unlike many of the Author’s works which rely upon homographic puns, today’s work relies on a visual pun. Both the seismograph (used for measuring earthquakes) and a polygraph (used for measuring a variety of body reactions) are popularly depicted using the same classical “needles dragging on paper” mechanism to form a line chart.M-BM-9

The author uses this visual similarity—backed by his mainstay, the chart—to convey the juxtaposition of a polygraph as a way to detect earthquakes. A male in a position of power dominates another male connected to an outrageously large and curiously upright polygraph in an attempt to discern if “there is an earthquake happening?!”

A clever Reader might spend more time considering this comic and ask, “Why would the man sitting be a better authority than the man standing on this subject? Presumably both would feel an earthquake?” Your Curator advises you against considering this question any more deeply; there is simply no redeeming value—humorous or otherwise—to that line of questioning.

M-BM-9 Television and movies depict these devices as mechanically based, but modern systems are unsurprisingly wholly computerized.


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