@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

March 10, 2010 at 1:42am
In this installment of the popular web comic, the Author returns to the traditional format by including something that is easily recognizable as a joke.  As is standard practice, we are treated to a combination of a geek culture character (Sauron, of Lord of the Rings), in a humorously improbable real-life situation (lamenting his lot in life while drinking in a bar), and a pop-culture reference (the song “All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce Knowles).
Having enumerated the advantages enjoyed by humans (attractive), elves (attractive), and dwarves (attractive when you are drunk), and expressing his dissatisfaction at being stuck with orcs (hideous), Sauron is struck with the solution to his dilemma when Ms. Knowles reaches the chorus of her hit song: he will ‘put a ring on it’.  The juxtaposition of the song’s intended meaning of an engagement ring with the intended meaning for Sauron of rings of power to subjugate the races of Middle Earth delivers our well-earned punchline.
Thus, the Author humorously reveals the image he holds of himself as a lonely, mask wearing embodiment of evil plotting the enslavement of the beautiful creatures of the world who he views as his betters: humans, elves, and dwarves in Lord of the Rings - women in reality.

In this installment of the popular web comic, the Author returns to the traditional format by including something that is easily recognizable as a joke.  As is standard practice, we are treated to a combination of a geek culture character (Sauron, of Lord of the Rings), in a humorously improbable real-life situation (lamenting his lot in life while drinking in a bar), and a pop-culture reference (the song “All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce Knowles).

Having enumerated the advantages enjoyed by humans (attractive), elves (attractive), and dwarves (attractive when you are drunk), and expressing his dissatisfaction at being stuck with orcs (hideous), Sauron is struck with the solution to his dilemma when Ms. Knowles reaches the chorus of her hit song: he will ‘put a ring on it’.  The juxtaposition of the song’s intended meaning of an engagement ring with the intended meaning for Sauron of rings of power to subjugate the races of Middle Earth delivers our well-earned punchline.

Thus, the Author humorously reveals the image he holds of himself as a lonely, mask wearing embodiment of evil plotting the enslavement of the beautiful creatures of the world who he views as his betters: humans, elves, and dwarves in Lord of the Rings - women in reality.


  1. star-cunning reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  2. misskeyszz reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    LMFAO. Though I’m upset...I didn’t get this one until I actually did read
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  4. meganinspiration reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    Wow never considered...LotR. I like it. But I
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