@xkcdexplained The Big Caption

Toby, Dave & Ian Explain XKCD

There is a graph. On the X axis is sex, on the Y is computer.

May 26, 2010 at 1:49am
A common joke used by both dyslexics and those who mock them is “lysdexic untie”, which is how someone suffering from that condition may spell “dyslexics unite.” 
The joke that the Author is making is that a group of dyslexics, wishing to make a self-deprecating tshirt, may actually reverse the reversed phrase. This would produce the correct spelling in the end, thus defeating the purpose of the tshirt. 

A common joke used by both dyslexics and those who mock them is “lysdexic untie”, which is how someone suffering from that condition may spell “dyslexics unite.” 

The joke that the Author is making is that a group of dyslexics, wishing to make a self-deprecating tshirt, may actually reverse the reversed phrase. This would produce the correct spelling in the end, thus defeating the purpose of the tshirt. 


  1. xkcdexplainedexplained reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    only thing less funny than those “Dyslexics of...World: UNTIE!” t-shirts,
  2. pmbruce reblogged this from xkcdexplained
  3. selloutboy47 reblogged this from xkcdexplained and added:
    i know it’s mean but i was just lol’ing… I’m sorry
  4. xkcdexplained posted this